Welcome to Vitality Lounge in Bothell, Washington!
We are a Private Membership Association dedicated to the optimal wellness and vitality of our members
and all living beings.

Welcome to our Living Room!
We are thrilled that you found your way to Vitality Lounge, a Wellness Center featuring the extraordinary 24-unit Energy Enhancement System also known as The Light System.

Vitality Lounge can best be described as an energy spa using highly advanced technology to bathe your cells in clean, beneficial energetic frequencies that allow your body and mind to rebalance, recharge, and revitalize so you can feel your very best. As stewards of this miraculous technology, we are honored to be part of the Unifyd Healing family.
This life-enhancing technology helps to recharge your cells enabling you to reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization, as well as to achieve peak performance by generating multiple bio-active energy fields and bio-photonic energy.

This energetic coherence can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels. In short, this system increases life-force energy (also called Chi, Qi, Ki, or Prana), to help you feel strong and vital and improve your capacity to release stress and experience greater peace, love, and joy in your life.

To be clear, the technology does not heal you. Rather, it allows your body to revitalize so your body can heal itself. This is what our human bodies were always meant to do!
Miracles Become Common When Our Cells Are Energized
In a Nutshell – What is the EESystem?
Quantum Energy Medicine Woman Podcast Interview with Dr. Elisha Bokman
In the summer of 2024, Dr. Elisha Bokman interviews Vitality Lounge owners, Tina and Marilyn discussing how the EESystem (also known as The Light System) works and a few of the amazing stories and testimonials Vitality Lounge members have shared with us through their healing and personal transformation journeys.
Founder of Unifyd Healling, Jason Shurka
Interviews Marilyn & Tina
In this video from May 2023, Vitality Lounge owners Marilyn and Tina share a tiny smattering of the astounding transformation stories since opening on 12-12-2022.

“I have to share my experience. On Thursday morning I came for my first session. I was very skeptical, and came because my mother-in-law (from Israel) convinced me and was sure it will help me with my back and pelvic pain that I live with so many years. I indeed came skeptical but with open head and heart. Since Thursday evening I feel the change. That was the best night I had for a long time. Yesterday (24 hours after the session) I felt amazing. I stand a lot, without pain!! I thought when the pain will come back, but it didn’t. I have this issue for almost 14 years. And the last two mornings I’m in a different body. I danced with my kids today, my body didn’t hurt at the last two mornings and nights was amazing, and that’s life changing for me. Thank you so much! Can’t wait to come again soon.” (Daniella N. 3/11/23)

We do things differently here
Vitality Lounge is a members-only Private Membership Association (PMA) offering daily and overnight sessions to harmonize and invigorate your body and your mind.
You are invited to join us in the private sector as a valued member. With your $10 Lifetime PMA Membership, you may begin booking sessions right away.
At Vitality Lounge we are devoted to the Harmony of Every Body, from the human body to that of our Mother Earth and all her lifeforms; and from the galactic bodies to the collective body of our shared, unified consciousness.

If you have a body, welcome. YOU are in the right place.
- the capacity to live, grow, or develop
- the characteristic, principle, or force that distinguishes living things from nonliving things
- physical or intellectual vigor, energy, or liveliness
- the capacity to endure
intransitive verb
- to move or act in a lazy, relaxed way; loll
- to pass time in a lazy, relaxed, or idle way
- a living room or lobby
- long couch, especially with no back and a headrest at one end

Vitality Lounge Member Quotes:

Meet the Vitality Lounge Team
~ The Vibe Tribe ~
Your Fabulous Hosts:

Tina Bystrom
Aloha! I am Tina, born and raised in Seattle and lover of trees, water, weather, stars, and birds. I am the mother of three beautiful humans and the grandmother of three delightful wee ones. Ever passionate about healthy bodies, I have been a conduit for intuitive healing and messages all my life, and my faith lies in the innate ability of spirit, nature, and the human body to heal and restore all imbalances.
It is a privilege to be a steward of this extraordinary technology, and an honor to have this opportunity to witness and celebrate the restored health and revitalization of so many. In so doing I have received the gift of an instant family-like connection with many of our community members, and with our devoted and dynamic team of partners, staff, and volunteers, whom we lovingly call the Vibe Tribe. Feels like home.
From 2005 to 2022, I engaged in a thriving private practice offering reflexology (my first love), bodywork, energywork, and intuitive guidance to hundreds of clients, while teaching and facilitating retreats along the way. During this time I was the grateful recipient of enormous amounts of education, mentorship, bodywork, and energywork from many brilliant souls over many years. And by following my heart and my purpose, I was led to my beloved wife-for-life and perfect partner in all things, Marilyn, who is my prize for good living!
Currently, I remain a clear, loving, and curious conduit during this great awakening of humanity. After living and working in these high-frequency fields continuously since December 2022, the subtle and multidimensional connections have become refreshingly coherent and direct, and I am answering my next calling as an intuitive spiritual guide within these lively fields.
For those seeking an honest reflection of your highest spiritual potential from a high-vibration, multidimensional perceptive, I now offer both in-person and remote Intuitive Insight and Guidance Sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Book your 60-minute session online or contact our office to schedule by phone or email.
Please note that we are a Private Membership Association (PMA) and are not open to the general public. We welcome you to join us in the private sector as a valued member. ∞♥
Marilyn Liepelt
Witnessing people as they examine themselves and consider making changes in their lives has always been fascinating and winsome to me. In my social work career, I have worked with those who have survived and perpetrated violence, as well as with their families. At their core, folks want to transform, they want better lives and sometimes, they go after their growth and change with purpose and determination. Being an influential part of their journey, although challenging at times, has been a divine privilege. Now, with the Energy Enhancement System, I’ve been given the gift of witnessing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual transformation, as folks heal themselves in the live-affirming scalar field.
When we saw Jason Shurka’s interview with Sandra Rose Michael, I lept at the chance to open a 24-unit system. I cannot think of a better way to truly serve people while witnessing their healing path. What more could I want?! Maybe to create Vitality Lounge with a remarkable, wicked-smart, utterly capable woman who truly loves people and is generous in every way? Check – that is my wife Tina – I’m so Blessed!
Add the ability to partner with beautiful investors who are like-minded Soul Sisters, eager to help others and the blessings multiply. And the cherry on top has been the gift of a Big-Hearted, Kick-Ass Staff who have descended like Angels into our Lounge and our Lives. I just don’t know how life can get any better. Now, let’s see, what lights me up? More Healing and Transformation please! I’m extremely grateful for this incredible next step on my journey.

Your Welcoming Crew:

Shelley Milne
Hi, I’m Shelley! I am so excited to be embarking upon this amazing journey with all of you!! It’s always been my personal mission to help create more peace, love, health, and joy in this world and I can think of no better way to accomplish this than by helping people energize their bodies, minds, and spirits at the Vitality Lounge.
Most of my career has been focused on the nonprofit sector helping to create strong, healthy programs, services, and organizations primarily dedicated to helping disadvantaged youth succeed in school and in life. Addressing health disparities amongst high-risk populations was a secondary focus and I have also worked with a number of organizations in various other cause areas near and dear to my heart.
And though I’ve always loved my work helping to create thriving nonprofits, I have increasingly been magnetized toward pursuing my deep passion for holistic health and wellness, energy healing, spiritual development, and the fascinating exploration of human consciousness. So, when I learned that the Vitality Lounge was opening up – right here in my own neighborhood, I knew I had to be involved. Now I actually get to share in the gift of health and healing while also helping activate a vibrant, healthy community of energized individuals eager to create and build the kind of world we truly WANT to live in.
I feel blessed and honored to be in the company of such an amazing and loving Vibe Tribe family here at the Vitality Lounge. And I am profoundly grateful to be part of a healing revolution that will transform our world in the best possible way and love sharing this gift to humanity with our incredible members!
Linda Shallow (Dosha)
Hello, I am Dosha, I retired from a corporate job at The Boeing Company after 27 years and became a reflexologist and Reiki Master in a private practice for the last 7 years. I felt the need to be in service after working for corporate America for so many years. I enjoy being active outdoors (hiking, biking, skiing, gardening, and walking with my dog, Winchester).
The natural world is an amazing and nurturing place to learn about the energetic world we live in. It has been a privilege and honor to participate and observe the healing power of the human body and all energetic bodies that thrive on the planet through this service work. I am captivated by the mystical magic of the world that we live in and amazed by the complexity and power of the machines (our bodies) that we live in every day.
The body is an incredible engineering marvel that has the power to connect with the divine, and to heal its own systems and keep them in balance. I am really excited about The Vitality Lounge and can’t wait to heal my own body while witnessing others in their healing process! With love and light, let the magic and miracles begin.

Honorary Vibe Tribe Members

Mia Boyle
I was born to a family of artists, educators, and military service members. Growing up on both the west and east coasts of the U.S., I reveled in nature as a child and also learned to love the dynamic cultures of big cities when my family moved to New York City. I have been a lifelong painter and musician while exploring careers in the academic world of philosophy, Art and Music, as well as working in the natural medicine community as an administrator.
Eventually finding my way back to the west coast, I have lived and worked in Seattle for 30 years now. I have been a performer/producer, songwriter, and musician while also exploring my passion for natural healing and the potential of the human spirit.
Kammi Davis
My name is Kammi and I am over the top excited to be a part of Vitality Lounge! I have had a deep understanding most of my life that you create the world you want to live in and the same holds true for your health. Knowing, as Dr. Sandra Michael says, “The Power that creates the body, heals the body” is absolute truth, I fully believe that the EESystem offers a beautiful path for us to remember this, heal on many different levels and heal deeply. Let the rest of the journey begin now!
I have been married to my best friend Thomas for 25 years, am mother to a smart and lovely daughter Rylynn (20), and am blessed to have my dad live with our family as well. I adore my two mature dogs Orca and Holly and two young cats Ziegfeld and Fanny as our furry family members. My family means the world to me! I am a creator at heart and love to make things with my hands and seem to always be dabbling in something, usually paint. Dragonflies tickle my heart and the Everett Marina is my favorite place to walk and enjoy the God-painted sunsets.
What lights me up is learning about amazing people that have forever changed the world… Nikola Tesla and Masaru Emoto are two of my long-time favorites. Their huge impact on the world blows me away just thinking about them. I love watching the world change in front of all of our eyes because of marvels like these and honestly marvels like all of us. The Best is Yet to Come! What a glorious time to be alive!

Founder of Unifyd Healing, Unifyd TV, and Unifyd Social
Jason Shurka
Jason Shurka has accomplished much in his young life… and he’s just getting started. Jason began his own personal awakening journey as a result of several severe injuries between 2011 and 2015, spiraling him into a healing journey on every level.
Since then, he has bloomed and blossomed, authoring several books and founding Unifyd Social and Unifyd TV. This social media platform, information hub, and indeed this worldwide movement is designed specifically to put the power back into the hands of the people. It’s a movement that encourages free speech, no matter your beliefs. It’s a movement to unify humanity.
As if that weren’t amazing enough, after an interview in May 2022 with Sandra Rose Michael discussing the amazing technology and its implications for healing humanity, Jason developed Unifyd Healing in but a matter of days with the help of his incredible team. This worldwide network of healing centers has exploded since this time.
After just three years, there are now more than 500 Unifyd Healing centers open or coming soon in 50 countries around the world to bring coherent energy fields and bio-photonic healing technology to people and animals across the globe.
As a Unifyd Healing member, every affiliated center agrees to keep prices affordable and to “pay it forward” by contributing a monthly fee to a collective fund dedicated to creating free healing centers in countries and areas that could not otherwise afford this incredible technology. The blessings this young man contributes are indeed a beautiful gift to humanity!