Upcoming Events, Workshops, & Group Sessions
As you scroll through the offerings below, simply click the links below and sign into your WellnessLiving profile to sign up for these events or you can contact our office by phone (206) 502-3413 or email info@vitalityloungeforlife.com and we can do it for you. And if you’re not a member yet, you can sign up right here. Please keep in mind that we have limited space available.
Note that events may take a minute to populate. At the bottom of the page selection, additional pages may be available for upcoming offerings.
Let us know if there are additional sessions or events you’d like us to schedule or if you’d like to partner with us to facilitate a workshop or discussion in the lounge.

Groups & Events
Click on flyers below to enlarge. For more info and to sign up, please check out our detailed offerings or contact us at
(206) 502-3413 or info@vitalityloungeforlife.com