This 90-minute CE5 Meditation Session is for members who would like to actively invite connection with Galactic and Multidimensional beings within the powerful scalar field at Vitality Lounge. Offered every-other Tuesday afternoon, with up to 8 members. Come to one or all.
The Great Awakening of human consciousness is underway, and with it comes the awareness that we are not (and never have been) alone in the Universe or on Earth. As more of us remember our deep bonds with Beings both seen and unseen, we have begun to reconnect and invite further contact with our galactic friends and families.
CE5 stands for Close Encounters of the 5th Kind, which is Human-Initiated Contact
CE5 communities have connected all over the world to consciously and overtly invite galactic and multidimensional interaction and to witness and affirm one another’s often otherworldly experiences of contact.
Intending and Inviting Contact in the Frequencies of Love and Above
We use the CE5 meditation protocols developed by Dr. Steven Greer, centering ourselves in meditation to invite contact inside the Scalar field generated by the EESystem. (Please note you do not have to purchase the CE5 App for this session.)
Enhanced by the extraordinary 24-unit EESystem Energy Enhancement System, which generates multiple bio-active energy fields, including hyper-clean scalar waves, creating a powerful field of healthy energy in which our cells can recharge and regenerate. Communicate the scalar way!
The donation for this 90-minute CE5 Session is $75 per member ($70 per Unifyd TV member) and $35 for children aged 11-17 ($30 for Unifyd). All children must have an appointment and be accompanied by an adult Vitality Lounge PMA member.
Your donation may be made in person with cash, check, silver, or gold. Please note that we do not accept credit or debit cards.
To ensure a smooth flow, please arrive at least 20 minutes early if this is your first time at Vitality Lounge and 10 minutes early otherwise.
Please be sure to register for event, as we have limited space available. This can be done online or by contacting our office at 206-502-3413 or info@vitalityloungeforlife.com.